Selasa, 16 September 2014

My new best workout buddy is Zova!

Anyone who knows me, knows that when I love something, I freaking LOVE it!  Fitness is one thing I enjoy and it helps keep me sane in what is otherwise a busy and exciting life.  I also love tweeting.  I tweet a lot!  I was therefore really excited when I was approached on Twitter about testing out this new fitness app.

I get a few requests to try things out, but a lot of the time I really cannot commit to it.  Partly because I am not keen on the product and partly because of time.  Also, I cannot stand those people on Twitter and Instagram who refer to products that you know they do not actually care about, but are just looking for something in return.

Anyway, wrong tangent!  A few months ago I was hitting a bit of a plateau with my training and since I no longer had BB to motivate me during our weekend workouts, I needed a new workout buddy!  Then along came the request to try out Zova.  I was skeptical at first because I thought that workouts would cater moreso to the beginner level and be boring (reveal: I do not do classes because I have the world's shortest attention span and I get sooooo bored!!).  I was still keen to try it out and given it was founded in Brisbane, I thought why not try and support the local guys.  Plus the benefit of testing out an app is that you get to provide your opinion.  Hey, I am a lawyer opinions is what I do best and here is my verdict:

Zova is freaking INCREDIBLE!!!
(and no, I am not getting paid to say that)

I prefer short and intense workouts and many other professional women would be in the same boat. When I saw that Zova had workouts that ranged from 2 minutes to 20 minutes, I thought this could be the beginning of a great new friendship. When I tried the "Plank It Out" workout, even though it said "hard", I was like please I plank all the time. Yeh, no, the next few days it hurt my core to even breathe. Same with the "Full Body Fitness" workout. It is only 8 minutes, but my gosh I found some new muscles.

Successful women are often so busy concentrating on everyone and everything else, that they sometimes neglect themselves. I challenge you all to start finding 10 minutes a day where you do a quick workout for YOU! There is no betting feeling than sweating it out and clearing your mind.

Here are some of the workouts I recommend for us busy #careergirls:
  • Killer Legs & Butt
  • Toned Arms & Abs
  • Weekend Circuit Workout
  • Ad-Break Abs
  • 5 minute Push-up Pyramid (ok I kind of did this workout in my office yesterday lunch time)
  • 7 minute Full Body
I am going to shamelessly plug Zova away (it is getting released shortly - keep a look out!), because I am now fully team #zovagirl. I like to be challenged daily and the endless workouts available on the app, I can be. With my 30th birthday only 6 weeks away, I also need a bit of motivation to make sure I am looking my best.

We have to take our work life so seriously, so working out should be fun!  In the words of Elle Woods 'exercise gives your endorphins, endorphins make you happy'.


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