Sabtu, 27 September 2014

Internationally acclaimed barrister marries .... an actor

Why is this worthy of a blog?  Well firstly, said barrister is Amal Alamuddin, advocate for human rights and international refugee law extraordinaire, which is inspiring enough for a blog. Oh hang on you say, Amal Alamuddin, wait isn't she marrying? Yes, George Clooney.  Ok, so is the blog about him, because  he is certainly blog worthy!

But no, the blog isn't about him, but it is because of him and the way in which his marriage is being reported.  The gorgeous bride, Amal, is one of the most inspiring women in the legal profession (along with Jen Robinson who was also in attendance) and this is the first article which isn't pitched that she is marrying him.  This fairytale is really about the Prince who scored with marrying a Queen.  Amal has intellect, style and power.  George should be so lucky!  I'm glad this article was written, well at least it's title (the article inspired this blog if that was not already clear!).

There are so many tangents I could take this blog, one is where I query the correlation of Amal's power and success with her age of marriage (36), which I must admit makes me feel so much better as I reach the under 4 week countdown to my 30th birthday.  But it's not necessary to take away from the main message this article title shows - gone are the days when a woman is "lucky" to be getting married, she is "lucky" she is being saved and "lucky" that someone wants her, because be getting married the man is doing her a favour.  

Women like Amal are continuing to make their mark on the world.  We don't need men to survive (yes, we enjoy having you around - I am NOT a man hater), and we aren't "lucky"to have you. You are lucky to have us. Trail blazers, game changers, leading women, career girls, power women.  Call them what you want, but the most important life decision we will make is that of who WE choose to have procreational sex with, ie who we marry.  If we choose you, YOU should be so lucky. 

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