Sabtu, 29 Maret 2014

The importance of looking after YOU

I recently went through a pretty hectic health scare. The tip of the iceberg was having blood tests for cancer - thankfully they came back negative. The health problem isn't fully resolved - but positive thoughts ahead!

However, what I went through over the past few months, if nothing else, has been a wake up call on the importance of looking after me - physically, spiritually and mentally. I go to the gym at least 5 days a week, I eat healthy and I go to Church. I thought I was sorted. Turns out I wasn't and reading about Arianna Huffington's new book has reinforced to me the importance of having a life re-assessment every once in a while. 

Take the time to look after you. Unplug, reevaluate and lead the life YOU want to lead. Accomplish your dreams - don't be a footnote in someone else's. 

Post HS (health scare) here a few things I'm going to commit to doing:

1. Yearly full health checks - bloods, physicals, the lot. Prevention is better than cure!

2. Investing more in me - making a weekend once every few months where I have no plans, I can stay home and read all day, or take off to the coast and enjoy the waves. 

3. Detaching from attachments - like the saying goes "attachments lead to expectations, and expectations lead to disappointments". By this, I am aiming to be more self sufficient. 

4. Being more thankful - to friends, family, colleagues and also to God. I get somewhat shy talking about going to Church and faith, other than with a select few. But what is there to be shy about? We should all be proud and give thanks to those that help us through our life!

Leaving you with a powerful verse. 


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