Minggu, 01 Mei 2016

No I will not accept your LinkedIn dating request!

I love LinkedIn.  I think it is a great tool for continuing a professional relationship and it is now the online business card.  However, people are starting to use it like Facebook and for dating purposes.  I fear its purpose will become redundant.

My biggest bug bear about LinkedIn are the recruiters who look at my profile and then add me.  No message, just the standard LinkedIn "you are someone I trust".  Then I get a message saying, 'I saw you have career opportunities ticked and I wanted to discuss a role I want to offer you', or 'I have a role for you, let's chat'.  Well no, I don't have it checked because I'm not looking for opportunities and the role you have to offer me is an interview with five other candidates. 

A message to the young - this is not head hunting and is by no means complimentary.  Despite being Gen Y, I actually remember what recruitment was like before LinkedIn and what head hunting involved. 

To the men adding me on LinkedIn and then asking me for a wine after work, don't.  If I wanted to do online dating, I would use Tinder.

To the motivational speakers putting up quotes supposedly from Einstein, Emerson and Twain, don't. Use the message from those quotes and create your own message.  Build your personal brand.  

LinkedIn is such a resourceful tool which is under-utilised for it's required purpose.  When I first joined LinkedIn, I received referrals and recommendations for work.  One barrister had the brilliant practice of when he received a direct brief to email 3-5 lawyers who practiced in the necessary area and ask them to get back to him if they would like the work referred to them. 

Young professionals can use LinkedIn to build their practice and build your online profile.  You want that raise or promotion?  Well, set yourself apart from your colleague in the office next to you and use social media for that purpose!  An ability to build a practice at a young stage will be your most useful negotiating tool!

Picture available here

My tips, spend 20 minutes this week on updating your LinkedIn profile by:

- updating your photograph (no selfies, filtered photos or wedding pictures)
- updating your specialities and biography
- sending a message to a connection and make sure you continue the relationship
- reviewing the Groups you follow and see if you need a clean up
- searching for companies or influencers to follow (this helps you keep up on industry news and developments 
- having a look through the "people you may know" function to see if you can form new relationships. 

LinkedIn, if used correctly, is such a useful tool.  Have a reminder to review your overall profile every few months and make sure you keep in contact with your connections!

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