Sabtu, 27 Desember 2014

2014 - My year in review

I cannot believe that 2014 is almost at an end.  I write this post - my year in review - with trepidation.  To say 2014 was a roller-coaster would be an understatement.  I had one of the best years professionally, but encountered a few personal lows.  

I spent weeks freaking out about turning 30, but have since found it wasn't that bad (separate blog to follow!).  I had a few significant changes in my friendship group and have made some amazing new friends who I am so glad to have in my life.  A health scare made me realise there is more to life than just dancing all night long on a Saturday night and while I am fit, there needs to be a balance.

Overall, I would say that 2014 was an exciting, yet different year.  I can only hope to build on everything for a bigger and better 2015!

Here is my year in review (some of these questions have been taken from a previous Huffington Post blog).

What was the best thing that happened to me this year?

A few things, the most significant would be taking on my new job at a firm I really wanted to be at, in an area of law that I am passionate about.  A few other significant moments were:
  • Participating in the Australian Institute of Management's International Women's Day Debate and all of the coverage that followed.
  • Being named in the Who's Who of Australian Women 2015 List.
  • Speaking at the Australian Women Lawyers Conference in Adelaide.
  • Being voted in as Secretary of Women Lawyers Association of Queensland.
  • Having the most supportive group of friends, who I was able to call at any time of the day or night to workshop ideas, or just have a good old fashioned cry and girlie heart to heart.
  • Helping my friends expand into the social networking scene with blogs, LinkedIn profiles and Twitter accounts.
What did I do this year that I am really proud of?

Without a doubt, it would be the Debate.  This was a turning point in my year and the response has truly been overwhelming.  I found out a day or two before the Debate that there was something wrong with my liver (a suspected tumour) and I had just been referred to a specialist as it was suspected malignant.  The Debate was a perfect distraction from my health problems and also from  my breakup with my boyfriend that had happened over the same time.  I confided in my team members (Sara and Sharon) about my health problems and they were so supportive.

I received a text on the morning of the Debate that simply said "own the debate today".  It was great motivation and I could not have asked for a better day.  I got to stand alongside five other inspiring women as we were making our mark on such an important day for women around the world.  I am well and truly proud of the difference we were able to make. 

Who do I need to thank and acknowledge for having been there for me?

There is always a risk in answering a question of this nature that you will leave someone out.  Without a doubt the top two people would be one of my BFF's Jessica Turner and my awesome guy mate Blewie.  Jess was there for all of the moral support during my breakup, and Blewie was just amazing with all of my health problems and giving me a guy's perspective for everything (interpret tough love). 

Who else?  Dr Lois Frankel - I am so glad to have her as a mentor, her constant support and "checking in", really motivated me.  One of my other good girl friends Molly, and Cohen my guy BFF who I love to hate, have both played an important part, along with Bec, Liz, Laura, Nicole and Jelena, all girlfriends which I built a new, or strengthened a current, friendship with.  My boys were always there for me too, somehow all of them called me just when I needed it (still love the Dance Track Friday videos Mannion).

I am SO grateful for having such a great group of friends who all have unique qualities that make them the people that I love.

What is a lesson I learned?

People need to create their own life and happiness.  You cannot run your life to expectations of others as this will only create disappointment for you later in life. 

Another lesson I learned is that sometimes friends just grow apart.  I have a few draft blogs on this topic, which I just have not been able to finalise.  Dr Peggy Drexler has written extensively on the issue and I agree with a lot of her sentiments.  It is not that you no longer love and care for a friend, it is just that you grow apart, form different friendships, have different values and see the world through different light.  I still love and care for the friends that I grew apart from, I am grateful there was no "bust up" which resulted in hatred, but sometimes, even after 15 years, a friendship can run its course.  I know I went through a few life changes the past few years which contributed to me changing my whole outlook on life.  All I can do is wish those people all the best as they take on the world and achieve their goals.  Peas and Carrots.

Who did I really help?

This is hard to answer without asking others.  However, one person I know I did make a difference with is the young high school girl, CW, I mentioned in a previous blog.  She wrote to me after seeing the QB Monthly article, and we have since formed an amazing friendship.  I am so glad to have made a positive impact on her life and it is really humbling to be referred to as a role model by her.

What's something I got through that was really tough?

My health scare.  That week long wait before I had my blood tests and MRI to see whether or not the suspected tumour in my liver was malignant was the scariest week of my life.  I signed my contract for my new role in that week and resigned my then current position, which just added to the rollar-coaster of emotions.  I am thankful for all of the supportive people I had at work, who helped me through that time.

While it was confirmed that there is a 7cm tumour in my liver, I am so thankful that it is not malignant.  Just thinking about that week now is making my head spin.  I will always be grateful for Jess' call the moment I got out of the specialist appointment with the good news (no cancer!).  Best cab ride call of my life!

What character trait did I develop most this year?

This question made me realise I missed someone off my list from above (didn't I say I would forget someone!).  That person being Janine Garner, owner of LBD Group.  Each year Janine encourages members to choose their word for the year.  For me, 2014 was resilience.

It is quite ironic as I chose that word before the breakup, before finding out about my tumour and before I decided to change firms.  When reflecting on 2014, I believe I was successful in building resilience within myself.

What's next?

I am not someone who makes resolutions.  Instead I make a list of goals that I wanted to achieve, or things I want to do.  I hate the idea of an arbitrary day being required in order to make a difference in my life.  In 2014, I decided to practice what I preached and check in on myself every quarter to make sure I was achieving my goals.  I also had other little goals, such as going to a Ballet with my friend Emma (we went and saw the Nutcracker last weekend thanks to an incredible Special Counsel in my practice group at work), buying my first brand new car (which I did about a week ago and pick up on the 30th!) and joining a Committee.  Other goals had to be changed as I dealt with unsuspected situations, such as removing from my list learning Serbian.

I have not decided what goals I want for 2015.  That is on my to-do list (hmm a to-do list to do a to-do list).  Two things I have decided on - 1. I want to go overseas and am planning on tackling Yacht Week in Croatia with Laura and 2. that my word for 2015 is patience. 

Thank you to everyone who played a part in my 2014.  I only hope that 2015 is even bigger and better for all of us!  Remember to look forward to what it ahead. 

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