Selasa, 04 Juni 2013

Smart is Sexy ... Dumb is never cute

Recently Sophia Bush was tweeting with the #smartissexy hashtag and this brought about a few comments. Was this discriminatory? Was it insulting? Or was it making girls realise that (acting) dumb is never cute.

I don't know the origins of girls acting dumb, but I wonder if it can be traced back to feeding the male ego, the alpha male who has found himself in a situation where the female is actually the alpha female, the breadwinner. In any event, a female should never have to act dumb in order to placate anyone - including males. 

Is this behaviour a result of the feminist movement reaching its high but needing to back track (slightly) in order to "keep the peace", but going too far back the other way, and resulting in the "dumb is cute" movement. 

The other train of thought is perhaps these girls are not acting dumb, but are following the behaviour of Hollywood and celebrities. 

I don't know which is worse. 

Perhaps smart females are intimidating. But either way the behaviour needs to stop. Unfortunately it won't until we have more role models showing that it is possible to be smart, impress a lad, and not have to act like a complete bimbo in the process. Empowering and smart women like Sophia Bush are the females that are leading this movement. 
Margaret Halsey: Success does not implant bad characteristics in people. It merely steps up the growth rate of the bad characteristics they already had.

Minggu, 02 Juni 2013

I am back - LawyerCas: Life of a Lawyer (re)launch

I am not new to the blogging sphere, having dabbled blogs in their early days and more recently tumblr. I wanted to start fresh so spent a bit of time deciding which platform I wanted to use for my (re)launch of "LawyerCas - Life of a Lawyer" - and now I'm back!

The next issue I had was content. I don't want to focus on my law - I have twitter to share that info. I am all for the separation of work and personal opinions. I thought about using this blog as an outlet to the intricate workings of my non-stop, over analysing mind, but who wants a dear diary entry that will come back to haunt me if I ever make use of my second degree and enter into politics.

So, what does that leave? Plenty of options! My interests vary from that of an intense tomboy who will out skill you on every ruling made in footy, to wine and what red gives off the best tannins, to fashion and shoes. Oh I love shoes - make that heels. Give a woman a good set of heels and she will rule the world. I am passionate about women making a difference in this world (refer to my constant #careergirls tweets on Twitter), but my views will always fall short of my foresisters such as Mary Wollstonecraft, and given the resurgence of feminism in recent times I need to be careful of my views in fear of offending or alienating anyone. I could go on - surfing, skating, the beach, cupcakes, brunches, Latin, literature, God - I love it all. Except meat, I can't blog on meat - I am a pescatarian, seafood only.

Therefore, be prepared to be inundated with all things #lifeofalawyer. Why? Because I can. We all have a voice, we all have views and we all have ambitions. Some of you might think who cares what she does. But there is always a misconception about lawyers and the life we lead. You will learn that I am not from your stereotypical old-money-everyone-is-in-law-or-politics family. I want to encourage everyone to realise their dreams. If law is yours, go for it. If it is something else. Go for that. Put your mind to it and don't stop until you have succeeded.

“It matters not how strait the gate, 

How charged with punishments the scroll, 

I am the master of my fate: 

I am the captain of my soul.”

William Ernest Henley

Ans so begins the (re)launch of LawyerCas and Life of a Lawyer . Enjoy.