Jumat, 07 Februari 2014

"Dismay over the injuries and loss of life": Cultural Heritage Organizations Issue Joint Statement on Bombing in Egypt

Several cultural heritage organizations issued a joint statement today regarding the loss of life and threat to heritage caused by an explosion that rocked the Museum of Islamic Arts in Cairo, Egypt. The statement reads:
The undersigned cultural heritage and archaeological organizations express their dismay over the injuries and loss of life from the January 24, 2014 truck bombing in Cairo and resulting damage to the Museum of Islamic Arts, The Egyptian National Library and Archives, and other historic buildings in the immediate area. 
We support the desire of the Egyptian people to exercise their basic civil rights. We also share their concern about the losses to cultural heritage that Egypt has already sustained and the threat of further such losses. 
We call on the Egyptian authorities and all other parties to exercise their responsibilities to protect their country’s irreplaceable cultural heritage. At the same time, we urge international organizations to help to assess the damage caused and to support conservation and preservation efforts.
The organizations signing on to the statement include the American Anthropological Association, the American Schools of Oriental Research, the Archaeological Institute of America, the Collaborative for Cultural Heritage Management and Policy, the U.S. Committee of the Blue Shield, and The Lawyers' Committee for Cultural Heritage Preservation.

This post is researched, written, and published on the blog Cultural Heritage Lawyer Rick St. Hilaire at culturalheritagelawyer.blogspot.com. Text copyrighted 2010-2014 by Ricardo A. St. Hilaire, Attorney & Counselor at Law, PLLC. Any unauthorized reproduction or retransmission of this post is prohibited. CONTACT INFORMATION: www.culturalheritagelawyer.com

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